My 10 Rules For Eating Sustainably Well

nutrition Jan 09, 2024


  1. Eliminate The Bullshit

Processed Foods, Refined Sugars, and Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils can all get the deuces. These “foods” are highly inflammatory and toxic to our bodies and unfortunately; they show up in a variety of the foods we consume. Boxed cereals, processed meats, microwave meals, traditional salad dressings, sodas, sports drinks, conventional ice cream, low fat yogurt (and pretty much anything with a “low fat” label, commercial sauces/dips, crackers, etc.


  1. Limit Total Sugar Consumption

The majority of us eat way too much sugar on a regular basis. Typically, it comes from BS “foods,” but many times it shows up in our diet without us even realizing it. 100% organic fruit juice has a TON of sugar in it (up to 30 grams in one 8oz serving). Even health drinks such as kombucha and coconut water can have up to 20 grams of sugar per 16 oz bottle. Be sure to check the labels of any drink you are consuming that isn’t water. Many fruits have super high sugar content and no matter how organic and healthy that fruit is, it can have a huge impact on raising your blood-glucose levels. STAY WOKE!

There are some nice sugar alcohol alternatives our there that are low or zero glycemic. My current favorite is monk fruit sweetener from the Lakanto brand. Sugar alcohols are not supposed to give our body the same insulin response that normal sugar does. However, there are well-informed people out there who say that even the taste of something sweet can trigger the same insulin response. I’d like to see more studies on this, but as of now I am comfortable with monk fruit sweetener.


  1. Replace Sugar with Quality Fat in the Diet

By quality fat, I am referring to healthy saturated fats and monounsaturated fats. The body can benefit greatly from having good quality fats consistently. Some benefits include better brain function, increased energy, better mood, fat loss, protects against heart disease, improves insulin sensitivity, better immune health, and healthier skin among other benefits. Here are some examples of good quality healthy fats:

Grass-fed red meat, pastured egg yolks, avocados, fatty fish like salmon, raw almonds, raw cashews, raw macadamia nuts, grass fed butter/ghee, coconut oil, avocado oil, MCT oil, olive oil (raw).


  1. Limit Fruit Consumption to 1-2 Servings Per Day

When choosing fruits, consider low fructose fruits like berries. As mentioned earlier, the majority of fruit has a lot of sugar in it. Growing up we have always heard “eat your fruits and vegetables,” but really we should be focusing more on the veggies. The more you can limit your sugar and starches and replace them with quality fats, the better.


  1. Quality of the Food Matters Most

The higher the quality of the food, the better is going to be for us. Whether it is for vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood, or grains. When it comes to meat, the healthier the animal was when it was alive, the more nutritious and less inflammatory it will be for us. Not all meat is created equal. There is an immense difference between grass fed/ pastured cows and factory-farmed cows. The two don’t even compare. Here is a quick list of what to look for when it comes to different foods:

  • Red Meat: Grass Fed or Pastured 
  • Seafood: Wild-caught
  • Eggs, Chicken, Turkey: Pasture-Raised or Pastured 
  • Vegetables and Fruits where you eat the skin: Organic 


  1. Eat Some Vegetables

Find the vegetables that you enjoy and be sure to cook them properly. Some vegetables are harder to digest than others. The key is to find a variety of colors to eat. Take some time to try different vegetables and see which ones you like best. 


  1. Eat Your Vegetables With Good Quality Fats

First off, grass fed butter and high quality pink salt or sea salt makes vegetables taste FIRE! This makes it way easier to scarf down a ton of vegetables each day. Additionally, eating vegetables with good quality fats helps us absorb the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) much more efficiently.


  1. Eat Foods That You ENJOY!

To me, the most sustainable method for creating eating habits that give us energy, a better mood, a higher functioning brain and body, and helps us look better naked focuses on foods that are healthy and we love to eat. Instead of adding in foods that you hate, add foods that are nutrient-dense and you enjoy. We live in a time where you can create and sometimes buy nutrient-dense, low inflammatory versions of the foods that you love.


  1. Remove All Pasteurized Dairy

Most people feel better when they rid their body of dairy. Full-fat, raw, whole dairy works well for some people and this is the only type I would rock with personally.


  1. Have Fun and Experiment!

Get out of your comfort zone and try making recipes that you will enjoy! Adding different spices allows meats to have a different taste every time you make it. Using monk fruit sweetener and sugar alcohols allows you to have your cake and eat it too. Literally. There are so many good cookbooks out there that incorporate these principles and make healthy eating amazing and sustainable. Three of my favorite cookbooks are “The Bulletproof Cookbook,” “The Wild Diet Cookbook,” and the “Nourishing Traditions Cookbook.” When the food tastes great, the whole process of preparing food, eating it, and feeling the positive effects will have you wondering why more people aren’t eating this way.


- Alvey aka Mr. You Can 2

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